Thursday, May 22, 2008

Weekend in So. Cal

Our weekend was awesome! We got into Cali on Thursday early afternoon and started enjoying the wonderful/warm California weather! My cousins sealing was on Friday morning and luncheon later on in the afternoon. It was so nice to be in the temple with my family on my moms side, I can't even remember the last time I was able to do that, it was awesome.

Saturday was the reception at the brides parents house in Hacienda Heights. It was a lot of fun sitting with all the family and chit chatting during the reception. The kids had a blast with cousins they have either never seen or haven't seen in a long time. I can't explain how much fun I had, it was hot in Cali but I was so excited to be with family I haven't seen in so long.
My cousins April and Whitney dancing with Hannah, Abby, and Lauren, they had a blast with their cousins! :)

Sunday was church of course. We went to the ward I was born into WAYY back when. Mostly everyone didn't recognize me other than those that my parents have kept in contact over the years.

Monday was Disneyland!!! YAY!! Of course when we stepped foot out of our hotel room it was already 90 degrees outside. Disneyland was busy of course but the kids were so excited, I wish I could capture on camera how elated they were to just be riding on the tram to get into the park. I remember being their age and feeling like Disneyland was a world created for me! We had a blast, the kids were so well behaved despite the hot weather and somewhat long lines. My cousin Tyler and his wife Vanessa and their kids met us in the morning and we hung out with them until later on in the afternoon. Thanks for meeting up with us Ty and Van!! We stayed at the park ALL DAY and we were able to get to most of the rides the kids wanted to go on. We got a few pictures with the characters and got to sit front row on Main Street for the parade. Lauren was by far the most amazed by the live in person princesses that passed by. When they waved in her direction she waved back and blew kisses. She was definitely dazzled by the beautiful princesses and cool floats. Reese got the most awesome pirate gun that is a skull and bones flashlight, little boys and their toys!! I think the batteries are already dead! Anyway we had such a good weekend with family and friends!! Love to all!


The Okamoto Clan said...

Oh yea! I'm so glad to see a picture with Buzz Lightyear!!!

We had a great time hanging out with you guys too! Hopefully it won't be so long before we're able to do it again!

Lacey.costner said...

Lol I can just see Lauren so dazzled and blowing those kisses!! It gives me the giggles!! So precious. And finally a pic with BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!! WOOHOO!!! I'm so happy you got to have some family time before Ellie gets here. And I know how much you miss CA. Love you!!

Anonymous said...

So fun! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. Look at you looking all vogue and beautiful even at Disneyland!