Monday, March 23, 2009

Just a little something!

So I went to this boutique on Saturday it was fun and I saw some really cute stuff. I saw these dresses that I knew had to be easy to make. There was one I really really liked in Laurens size but unfortunately they didn't have Ellers size! :( So if I can't buy it, heck I'm going to try and make it!! I am not a seamstress by any means but thought this dress idea would be easy enough. And it was!! I had some extra material that I bought for Ellie's blanket but decided not to use it. So I had about a half of a yard of each of these fabrics and thought to myself I can make one of those cute dresses I've been seeing. I had this ribbon from another unfinished project and got to work! It took me about an hour and a half!! So fun I love it and I'm going to make one for Ellers too.


Melody said...

you are so dang creative. Start up a boutique business of your own girl. You could do it!

Rebecca said...

Aw, that is cute! Great job!!!

Proudfit Family said...

that is so cute! Post some in depth instructions and pictures so I can make one for little Lucy.

Sandra said...

Ok, Elissa (is that how you spell your name???) we NEED to get together! I want to do some sewing projects SO bad... I got my sewing machine for Christmas, took one beginning class in Jan. and thats it. I would love to make some of those dresses for my girls and I need to make some curtains now that I've switched all my furnishings around and you've made curtains too...

Let me know if you're up for a "sewing project night" or day sometime!

The last couple of times that I've seen Ryan we've mentioned getting our families together once a month for a seafood dinner/game or movie night but we haven't ever set it in stone. Let me know what might work for you guys in the next couple of weeks.

Shauna B. said...

So I just have to tell you that my child is obsessed with your dog. Everytime we got out in the backyard he looks over at your house and says "Sherman". I then have to convince him that Sherman is either night night or bye bye. And yesterday he says "I love you Sherman".

Elissa said...

Well at least someone loves him! At this very moment I am about to go clean up his big poop piles, he is below the lowest person I like right about now!!

Nikki said...

So cute. I wish I had the ability to make that. What a cute dress! I agree you should do a boutique or something!

Jeanie Doll said...


Mar and Koki said...

Hello Martha Stewart LOL. Very impressive. I remember in the old ward you were telling me how you make sheets for the babies crib and I was soooo impressed. Imagine how impressed I am now at a full on dress. I'm ready to put my order in for one of those ;)

kelly said...

i love it! i need one....

Kat said...

no kidding, you should start your own business! you're so talented.