Monday, June 1, 2009

Most of the happenings!

(I feel the same way!)

Life has been a little crazy the last few weeks. Lauren had her dance recital and did so well. We were pleasantly surprised that she did both dances perfectly. She also had her preschool end of year program, I would say Preschool graduation but she isn't graduating she has one more year! Reese had his last few weeks of school with all the fun activities to go along with that. My favorite is the dance festival they do at the end of the year with the entire school. It's mostly cheesey but so cute. So enough ramblings, who likes to read long posts anyway!?!

Lauren and I at the end of her dance recital, yes she's wearing make-up the only time she will until she's older! She did so well we're so proud of her, Ryan didn't feel like he waisted his money after all! :)

Laurens class and also the MWF class doing one of their cute songs!

Lauren and her two awesome teachers, Mrs. Correa and Mrs. Hansen
My little penguin!
Reese with his AMAZING teachers, Ms. Lindstrom and Mrs. Barger. These two have really helped Reese out this year, he wouldn't have gotten through without them!

Kids chilling with their buddies from Arizona, Weston and James! We miss you guys! Thanks for a fun evening!

My little girls! Ellers was sooo tired from our long Sunday!

P.S. We are now in a new ward, Lehi 43rd! We've really learned a lot from being in the 30th Ward and have made some good friends!


Sandee said...

You guys are far too on top of it! Look at that dang cute new family photo at the top of your blog... The last time we had a "real family photo" taken was at least... 4-5 years ago. I'm so bad, I really need to get on the old band wagon in that department.

Looks like your kids enjoyed all their year-end activities~

When are we going to get together????

Melody said...

You have had a lot going on lady! so cute to see Reese and Lauren growing up. Reese looks so much older with his big teeth in. What a cutie. We gotta get together next time we are in town. Would love to see you guys.

Madelyn said...

Hey Elissa,
I was wondering if you could send me email addresses for everyone in your family. Let me know.
