Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A little update

(Our Christmas tree, it's huge but smells so good! Ryan just had to have a 10 foot tree this year!)

(Ellie and Grandma Sprague. This was at Ryan's Grandma's 90th birthday. Ellers would only sit with Grandma and snuggle with her it was so sweet.)

(At the Festival of Trees they also have gingerbread houses. This is the one Platinum Protection donated and if you get your microscopes out Ryan did all the mini wreaths on the fence, he was pretty proud of himself!)

(Ode to my half Japanese heritage)

(Reese says this is the one he made but there were tons on the tree that were exactly the same, we'll just call this one the one he made!)

(Reese with the tree that all the second graders and teachers decorated and donated for the big festival of trees!)
I guess it's time to blog. I'm sure those that actually check my blog are bugged by the lack of posts. Honestly I'm in a slump with blogging and of course my butt goes numb everytime I sit at the computer on my uncomfortable chair. But here's a post of a few fun things we've done since the beginning of the month.


Rebecca said...

I want to go to a Festival of Trees! Tell Reese his frog looks great! And I love your origami nativity. Did you make it?

Elissa said...

Rebecca~ No that was just at the bottom of one of the trees, thought it was cool. I wish I was as talented as that.

Vehars said...

Your tree is GINORMOUS!!! But so pretty! I love the frog tree, that is such a cute idea! We're so excited to have the kiddles here for Reags b-day! She still doesn't know either it'll be a fun surprise for all of them!