Friday, September 25, 2009

Bye Bye Sherman Beauregard

Well we have made our decision to surrender Sherman to the Utah Friends of Bassett Hounds group. It's been a tough thing for us. With the weather changing soon, hopefully, we were trying to come up with a solution for Sherman. Many of you know what a struggle I have had with this dopey bassett this last year and a half. It was never fair to Sherman that we got him 6 weeks before Ellie came and then not put time and effort into helping him be a good indoor/outdoor dog. As soon as the weather broke this spring he was out the door after pooping three times inside the house one day. At this point with the unexpected pregnancy and baby coming in January we decided this would be the best solution for him. Don't get me wrong there have been many many days Sherman has been at the bottom of my "like" list but for some reason this week has been a little emotional, chalk it up to being pregnant! Anyway in about 45 min a volunteer from this group is going to come by and pick him up. I feel so bad but I hope that he will be able to become a great companion to someone who will truly appreciate and love him. So maybe in the next life Sherm we can get along and be friends!


Jeanie Doll said...

I know how you feel. Sam had a Parrot when we were married. Oh you saw it. He allowed it to fly all over the place for exercise. It was a disgusting pet and I told him once the baby was born he had to keep it in the cage and clean it once a week. He decided to give it to this lady in his parents ward who loves birds. Even though I hated that bird...I cried like a baby when we gave her away. LOL

Vehars said...

I was just mentioning to Reagan that Sherman was going to a new home. She asked why and I told her that he was naughty and needed to learn to be a good boy...Kevin said to her that we could do that to her too!! SO MEAN!! I'm sure Mr. Sherman will do wonderful in his new home! He sure was a cute puppy though.

Lacey.costner said...

we loved Sherman and will definitely miss playing with him, but you are doing the right thing. He will be much happier in an environment where he can run around and get all of his hyper out!! Now you can really enjoy this time with your family before the baby comes with out Sherman being a distraction! We love you!