Monday, January 11, 2010

Belated Christmas

We had a great time with the kids this year. We went to my parents house on Christmas Eve for my most favorite dinner ever, no pics I scarfed before I got a picture! That evening we read Twas the Night Before Christmas and did the obligatory Santa cookies and carrots. We usually do the scripture story but we did that a few days earlier so no "Mad Mary" picture of Lauren this year!!
Christmas morning we told the kids they couldn't go downstairs until they came and woke us up. They were so good about sleeping in a little bit so right on the dot at 8am they came into our room. Of course with the threatening of their lives they knew not to go downstairs! :) Anyway it was a good day and I'm sad it always goes by so fast. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Now the days are short before our little Lyndi makes her appearance. Love to everyone!


Amber in REAL life said...

I can't believe how big Ellie is. Well, all your kids really, it seems like every time I see them they have grown a foot! Miss you!

Sandra said...

I miss you guys.. we need to get together. I can't believe your just about ready to have your baby.. Love that picture of Reese holding up a box, talk about the total delight of child's face on Christmas morning!

Vehars said...

I love the pictures of the kids on the side. Lyndi looks so much like Ellers in that picture, cutie!