Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Oh Where Oh Where Could My Camera Cord Be!!

Hello friends and family! I haven't done a recent blog because somewhere in all this extremeley organized townhouse I have LOST my cord for the camera!! I could rip my hair out, arrrrgggghhhh!!! I have some good pictures to use for new blogs but of course you need a cord to hook up the camera to the computer!! We're doing good though. The builder of our new house finally budged and moved the closing date back, we'll see how long they actually give us. We showed the townhouse 2 times last week and one of the couples are really interested. I'm hoping this doesn't take too much longer. Now I'm getting anxious to just be out of this townhouse and into the new house. Other than that life is going pretty good. Ryan is out of town for this entire week so life could be better but I'm not complaining!! Love to all!!


Rebecca said...

you should blog a list of all the meals you have eaten using your food storage!! Hope you are having fun!

Elissa said...

HAHAHA!!! I totally will! It's not actual food storage, just a pantry full of food we should have eaten a while ago!! Sad and pathetic I know! Such a disgrace to the Newcomer name!!! :)