Friday, September 5, 2008

Lauren Update

Yeah I have no idea why she put her hands up by her face, she was being a spaz!
Whoo she made it through her first dance class
TRYING to do "1st position"
Standing like statues
Attempting 1st position again

While Reese has been in school for the last few weeks Lauren has been awaiting her turn to go to Preschool. School started on Tuesday and she will be going to school from 9:30-11:30 on Tues/Thurs. I'm not one of those moms that likes to schedule her kids for lots of things but thought it was a good idea for her to have something to do since Reese is in school all day now, and I'm not so fun to hang out with!! :) I have also put her in a dance class, which she was most excited about! I think she is excited about school as well but LOVES her dance class with her good friend Brooklynn! I sat and watched Lauren on her first day of dance and got a kick out of how they don't really listen to the teacher! She did okay but we will need to practice! Here are some pictures from her first day of school and her dance class. Oh and some napshots with her favorite "toy" Ellers the Bellers!


The Cline's said...

What beautiful girls. I love the dance pictures. She is such a good mix of the both of you.

Vehars said...

Little Lowly is getting so old! I loved the pictures from her dance class! Our little ladies are growing up!

Lacey.costner said...

lol soo cute!!! Whenever she has her recital, let us know!!

Rebecca said...

I love the dance pictures!! She is so cute!

Jeanie Doll said...

Cute Cute Cute! Lauren is such a doll!

Shanna Nemrow said...

Awwww....she is so dang cute!! It's so great to hear of another mom who doesn't want to schedule her kids in a million things!! I feel the same way!! Anyways, your kiddos are adorable!! So weird that we're all grown up, and married with children!

Haley said...

Sooo cute! Love the pics and Lauren looks like a little ballerina princess. She is so delicate. Ballet suits her well. :o)

Proudfit Family said...

I can't wait to have a girl!! Lauren is so cute in her little ballet outfit. Where do you get the flowers for Ellie? I have decided to buy things slowly for the baby so that there isn't one month where Tay has a heart attack on how much we spend of flower accessories. Miss you! COme and see us soon!

Tammy said...

I love it... a ballerina in the making, so cute!
I can't wait to get my girls in dance. They were born with the jitter bug in them.