Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Doozers!

Some friends of mine have done blogs about their kids looking alike and fitting into a mold. I agree with that when it comes to our kids but if you've ever seen the 80's&90's cable show, Fraggle Rock you would agree with me on one thing. Since Reese was a baby we have said Ryan and I make "Doozer" babies. The Doozers were the little miniature "people" that built things in Fraggle Rock. They were so stinkin cute with little bulb noises and tiny beads for eyes! Here are some comparisons, you tell me what you think!


Rebecca said...

I never knew you called them that before, but I can totally see what you are talking about. They are so cute!

Also, I LOVE!! your new family picture!

And looks like you had lots of fun in NY. And how super hot do you look in those boots? Someday maybe you'll rub some Elissa style off on me! :) (glad you had some new posts)

Vehars said...

AMEN!!!! I love the kids baby pics! Too funny!

Lacey.costner said...

lol what cute comparisons!! lol ya'll make such cute babies!!