Thursday, April 2, 2009

Platinum Retreat

Last weekend Platinum had their annual retreat. Last year it was down in Moab and this year it was at a ranch resort on the east side of Zions National Park. Unfortunately we didn't get to stop and enjoy the park but it was amazing to drive through. I made Ryan stop for one awesome photo-op at sunset though. We had a great time and it was fun getting to know the people Ryan works with. It was a quick trip but we had a great time, well other than the first night Ellie didn't go to sleep until 3:30am or the next night when she woke up at 5am. Or when our kids seemed to be prone to spilling their soda at lunch and dinner both days, holy cow are you kidding me??!!?? OK so other than those little whoopsies it was fun! We totally want to go back and spend a family vacation down there!

(Don't mind the Roo butt!)

(Roo on the zip line, he loved it! It was well worth his hour wait to be able to go down 2 times!)

(The Tramp Bungee-She loved it, and the hair-I just give up, it's whispy and I have no idea what to do with it half the time!)

(Ellers trying to keep warm with Daddy!)


Annie said...

proabably some of the cutest kiddos i've seen!! it was so fun having you guys up this weekend and i'm loving that we get to stay in touch until the next time!
by the way, you left your really cute burp cloth at our house, i can send it to you of you want, let me know!

Jeanie Doll said...

LOL Precious! You guys make such a cute family! It looks like such fun!

Kat said...

such cute pictures, and it looks like you guys had a blast.

Shauna B. said...

That looks so fun! By the way, I'm so excited to make the dresses for enrichment!

Rebecca said...

Ellie is so cute...maybe someday we will get to meet her! :)