Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Father/Son+Old Papa Campout

Friday night was the Father/Son Campout for our ward and of course I made Ryan take the camera with him. It wouldn't be an event without the camera! They went to a private property about 30 minutes from here and had a great time. Well...other than the rain at 4am! Poor guys. Ryan and Reese invited my dad to go along and they also took Sherman with them. Here are some pictures from their evening.

My mom and I and Lo went up to Park City and spent the night up there and went shopping together the next morning. It was a blast and of course I love hanging out with my mom and Lo. We just wished Dane and Reags were there to enjoy the fun!


Rebecca said...

That sounds so fun. I want to go to Park City!!

Lacey.costner said...

Awwww stinky Weather this past weekend...well, I'm sure little Roo had a good time!!

The Gibby's said...

What a great daddy! Reece is to adorable.

A new Flight Attendant, said...

Awe, don't talk about Utah, I miss it!!!