Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oprah Show: Cunning Cons

I know a lot of people have an opinion about Oprah's show, either way I thought this particular show was really informative. Go to this link. http://www.oprah.com/dated/oprahshow/oprahshow_20070413

The show was all about scams that have happened to people and ones that can happen to us. When they were talking about emails being sent out telling the customer they had to update their account info and to click on the link in the email my ears perked up, I have gotten many emails like that. They are email scams!! Just a quick post for my friends and family, please don't end up being the scammed person on Oprah duped out of thousands!!

On another note, we are going to be sending out our Christmas cards and need addresses from pretty much everyone. Email me, if we're good enough friends you should have my email address if not let me know! Love to all!!

1 comment:

McCall said...

i am a huge OPRAH fan. love love her. i ti-vo everything!