Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

I came up with a new tradition, I'd like to take a picture with the kids and I every Mothers Day from now on. I'm usually the one taking pictures but thought it would be a nice way to have at least one picture with just the kid and I. So here I am all pregnant with all my babies, even our feistiest one, little Sherman! I hope everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day!!

I'm so grateful for my mom, she's the most amazing person I know. She's extremely smart and also very wise! Most would say my mom is shy but she's not she just isn't a talker, she's one of those strong silent types. I'm really grateful my parents live here now it's so nice to have them close and see them whenever we want. I'm also so happy my kids have a great relationship with them and love to go play at Papa's "Park"!

I'm also grateful for Ryan's mom, Debbie. She raised such wonderful children and is an awesome grandma. She does so much and doesn't get the thanks she needs but we're so thankful to her for the time she's spent with the kids and all she does for everyone else.



Lacey.costner said...

I hope you had a great mother's day!! What a cut tradition! I love the kid's smiles!! lol WEll, we will probably talk to you or see you sometime this week!!

Tammy said...

I need to start that tradition of picture taking...I'm NEVER in any pictures and I think someday I'm going to regret it. You guys are so cute.

Nikki said...

Happy Late Mother's Day to you!! Eric rolls his eyes every time I ask him to take a picture of me. It like pulling teeth for him I guess.

Anonymous said...

How fun!! You look AMAZING GIRL!! I am sure you are almost ready JUST LIKE ME!! ;) Everyone is askin if I am having TWINS that will just tell you HOW HUGE I AM!! HA!! Hope all is well!